Celebrate Life

This week is my birthday week and so I thought I would write about celebrating life. This year marks a year of growth and change. I have been so thankful for all the ups and downs in my life, and the lessons and gifts that came with those ups and downs. Today’s is a short blog: a quick reminder to think about how you celebrate life.

One feeling that is so important to have in our lives is a sense of aliveness. When we feel alive, we feel confident, self-worthy, excited and energetic. Aliveness also helps us feel more connected to our partners and spouses. When I think about changes and growth in my life, I think about this feeling of aliveness and how is has helped me. Aliveness also helps us face our fears and keeps us moving forward. So as we celebrate our lives, what makes me feel alive? What helps me keep moving one foot in front of the other? How does aliveness help me in my relationships?

Gratitude and appreciation are two things that I think we should all incorporate into our lives as we celebrate life. Gratitude helps us through life and especially the more challenging times in our lives. When I have been through the more challenging times in my life, I try to remind myself to think of the things I am grateful for, and it helps pull me through those dark times. I know that in the moment, it can be difficult to stop and think about gratitude. When things feel like they are falling apart, breath, refocus and find gratitude — it will make a difference in your life. When we are celebrating life, we are grateful for our lives. We are grateful for the challenges, rewards and gifts…and the lessons for they teach us about who we really are and how amazing we truly are. Find ways to speak gratitude and appreciation every day.

Kindness…how do we show kindness to each other? Kindness is so important in our world today. There is a quote that says, “Be kind to everyone, for they are fighting a battle you know nothing about.” When we reach out to others with kindness, I think we can impact ourselves and others. We can show kindness and compassion and still have boundaries. Kindness can help change the world. Reach out and be kind.

Celebrate you and all the amazing things about who you are. In this idea of celebrating life, it’s very important to celebrate you. When we honor ourselves, when we remind ourselves about being enough, and when we see that we are of value, we find our confidence and light in this world. We find courage and strength to pull us through our dark times when we remember to give ourselves positive encouragement. Remember the power of saying, “I am enough” every day, and do it.

Celebrate life and all the amazing parts about it.
When I think about this next year in my life, I know there will be challenges, fears and heartbreaks. I also know that there will also be excitement, love, celebration, change, joy and new things that will bring positivity in my life. I want to thank all of you who have supported me through life, who have shown me love and those who have taught me my best lessons. I also want to encourage all of you to celebrate your life and how amazing you all are. Believe in yourself, find your own sense of aliveness, gratitude, kindness and self-love.

Find your words of strength and self-worth and remember to say to yourself: I AM Enough. Say it every day.